My son is crawling now. He has been on the move for over a week now. It is amazing watching him explore and discover new things. All the tiny little specks of something on the floor, the bottom of the high chair, the heat register, the springy door stop. As he crawls, every fourth stride, his little right leg pops out for some added boost. When he is trying to go fast, this sends him off to sideways, like a crab.
Chase, crawling |
It also funny watching him decide that he is quite ready for food. He sits where ever he is and vocalizes. If his food isn't quite ready, he will make his way around the island to be right by my feet. He looks up to me and hollers. I translate it to, "where's my food, woman!" Then when my charming little man is finished, he says "all done", but it sounds more like "aiy dun".
Oh, I'm a proud Mama.
Oh Shel I just love this post and I love the picture. So amazing how much he is learning! Oh, and I love the little green jammies!