My son is 9 months old now. I am planning for when my maternity leave is over, in 3 months. My logical self says that this should be exciting. New times, new adventures... My mommy self says, noooooooooooo, I don't want this wonderful utopia of mommydom to end. My creative self says, get in your studio and paint woman! My business self says that my idea is completely viable and I should go for it. My true Shelley self is just plain nervous. I think I can feel that I am following the right path, but am I? I supposed I won't know until I try.
I am planning to start a new business, offering personal/life coaching to individuals and groups. I want to work with a local society that trains, provides financial support and continuing business support for nearly one year. This program will be full time schooling for nearly 3 months. I have to apply and jump through a few different series of hoops in order to get accepted. I have to be truly committed to making this change before I will be successful at making it.
I also have to find a daycare for my son. This is scary because someone else will be caring for him the majority of the time. It will be good for his development, though. Especially socially. We don't get very much social time with other children right now. Daycare is quite expensive, so this is an additional financial commitment to making a change.
So...I feel nervous and uncertain. I want to feel excited and empowered. What I need to work on is how to get from how I feel now, to how I want to feel. As I commented on someone else's blog this morning...time to get out the journal.
When you have a barrier of the mind to work through, what do you do?